top 10 obsessions.

i really dont have anything to talk about today so i thought id make uo a list of my top ten obsessions. hehehe.

10. the humidity factor-i must check the percentage of humidity in the air every single day that way i know if my hair's going to look decent or not.

9. sleeping-i just love to sleep, so i do it as much as possible.

8. macaroni & cheese-perhaps my favorite item of food consumption. damn tasty it is.

7. diaryland-im constantly checking to see if you all have updated yet.

6. movies-i love movies. just love 'em.

5. chocolate-who doesn't love chocolate? i swear i have at least one thing that is chocolate everyday.

4. music-i love music too. all kinds. send me a list of your favorites and ill send you a list of mine.

3. checking my email-i swear i check it like 100 times i day. its really sad. really.

2. dr pepper-my favorite cola drink. one a day only because i need to lower my carbonation intake.

1. magazines-i spend a lot of money on magazines. ill go to the little professor bookstore uptown, and spend $16 and walk home with 4 or 5 magazines and read them all in like 2 days.

i need a life. really i do.

written @ 10:03 a.m. on 2001-04-04
< * >

take a look around
* now
* then
* me
* the move
* rings
* wishes
* exit
* dland

* contact the girl
* love notes
* leave your mark
* instant
* in the flesh

: reasons to want this.