
so ive been gone for a couple days...and things have happened. i have gotten a tan..woohoo! i dont look like death anymore. i spent the weekend with my pal melly and her bfriend, james. i love those 2 to death. they are so cute and so much fun. i couldnt have had a better weekend, well cept for yesterday afternoon--tha sucked. but more on that later.

lets start with friday: i went home (a 2 hour drive from college) and layed around all nite with the parentals. then on saturday morning i got up at 5:30, yes kiddies, 5:30 in the am! see i had to be at their house at 6:30 so...had to get up! when i got their we piled into mellys car and headed off to mcdonalds to meet her parentals and stepbro. then we left mcd's and headed up to cleveland. james was nice enough to sit in the backseat, so me and melly could catch up on the way to cedar point. and we certainly did. i dont think we ever stopped yakking till we actually parked the car. hehehe. then we all went into the park and had a blast! we managed to get a ride on every rollercoaster there! we even did a couple of tthem more than once. the park had opened at 10 and we got there a little after that so by the time 6 rolled around we were done. since mellys mom, stepdad, and stepbro werent staying the nite like us, they left then. and so we headed down to the beach. we spent almost 2 hours just playing in the sand and water, taking pics, and just yakking some more. it was great. since it was almost 8 we decide to head back into the park and see if we could another ride or 2 in. we were walking around trying to decide on something to ride, when we finally bumped into our other friends that were there! we had been looking for them all day, and when ther was only a half hour left in the day we finally found 'em. so we talked to them till almost 9 cause thats when that park was closing and then we left. we were going to go eat at a TGIFridays, but when we went in the wait was 2 hours! so we went to a ruby tuesdays instead. we ended up at the hotel around 10:30 and by 12:00, we were all fast asleep. sunday morning we got up and showered and had breakfast and were on the road at 11. we got back to their house about 2:30 after a few detours cause silly melly cant read a map, and no one bothered to ask me if i could...which i can! and now it goes downhill...i went to put my stuff in my car and then said goodbye to them. as i tried start my car, it wouldnt. so after about 10 attempts, i screamed a little, slammed my door and then went to borrow their phone. i called my daddy to come rescue me and he did, but he couldnt fix the car either, so after an hour we just left it there and he took me back home. so at home i wrangled my mom into driving me back to school. hehehe. so after the 2 hour drive back here, we had din din and she dropped me off and so here i was and it was almost 7 pm. i checked my emails and looked at a couple diaries i read frequently and then said to myself "no more procrastinating! unpack your crap and then do your work!" so i did. at 8 i was done with dishes and unloading so i sat down to do some reading for accounting. ick. and at 8:15 i was out like a light. hehehe. and i slept clear thru till 9:00 this morning. 13 hours of sleep! shesh. but i feel much better now.

so here i am now, eating mac and cheese and listening to my new fav song "kryptonite" by three doors down, and still not doing my work. hehehe. so i must go now and do it. before i fail out of college.

written @ 11:53 am on 2000-05-08
< * >

take a look around
* now
* then
* me
* the move
* rings
* wishes
* exit
* dland

* contact the girl
* love notes
* leave your mark
* instant
* in the flesh

: reasons to want this.