
ok, so today is the day i put in all the background info. here is all the basic stuff.




location:ohio university, athens, ohio

favorite food:blueberry muffins

favorite drink:rum and dr pepper (cant stand coke)

favorite season:summer

favorite poet:sylvia plath, that woman was so damned amazing and talented

favorite book:"millenium girl" by coerte v.w. felske

favorite movie:"breakfast at tiffanys" starring the amazing audrey hepburn

favorite tv show:sportsnight, on abc, but theyre going to cancel it those brats

favorite solo artist:jonny lang

favorite band:nirvana/counting crows/red wanting that order

favorite place:san diego, cali...where i grew up

favorite diaryland diary: (hope you dont mind lillie)

favorite thing to do to waste time:tool around on the net

favorite piece of clothing:my rattiest jeans/black combat boots/grey that order

favorite lipstick:something deep red by covergirl...ive used it so much the damn label wore off

favorite sport:swimming, but now that im in college im too damn lazy to ever do it

favorite class in college:design and illustration 150 and color theory 181

well i think thats all anyone in their right mind would ever want to know about me. anything ive missed im sure will come up later. oh yes, i ONLY wear silver jewelry, gold is overrated kids. hehehe. and i own more than 40 rings, all silver of course, but i only wear about 7 at any given time.

written @ 7:16 pm on 2000-05-02
< * >

take a look around
* now
* then
* me
* the move
* rings
* wishes
* exit
* dland

* contact the girl
* love notes
* leave your mark
* instant
* in the flesh

: reasons to want this.