this is me.....eating my words.


that is how much i hate my new job. and the people i work with. theyre all idiots! i swear to god. the must have dumped the guy who is my store manager at this store thinking that hed run it into the ground and then theyd have a good reason to fire him. god hes stupid. heres the rundown on my fantastic second day:

9:00 am - get to work. im supposed to be opening with the store manager [because i dont have codes yet for the alarm system or computers, but i do have keys to the store] and a girl who is starting today for the first time.

9:15 am - no store manager

9:30 am - still no store manager. start to panic. call store in columbus to find out what the hell to do. they panic for me. :)

10:00 am - store should be opening at this moment. recieve a phone call from store manager in next town over. he gives me code for alarm. says he is on his way. no clue about my own store manager.

10:30 am - get a call from my store manager, says he "forgot to set his alarm last nite". bullshit. ass. says he'll be in, in like an hour or so.

11:00 am - sales associate who knows what shes doing comes in to work. yay! store manager from other store shows up. double yay!

12:00 pm - my store manager shows up finally. other one leaves. disaster over. want to kill store manager.

gah. i HATE HATE HATE this store. i want to go back. NOW.

written @ 9:12 pm on 27.07.04
< * >

take a look around
* now
* then
* me
* the move
* rings
* wishes
* exit
* dland

* contact the girl
* love notes
* leave your mark
* instant
* in the flesh

: reasons to want this.