im really done now.

i just took my last test ever.

im kind of in a daze about it.

i mean, now i HAVE to be a grownup.

i have a real job, an apartment of my own [soon], bills bills and more bills.

and honestly im a little scared. but i know everything will work out just fine. everything always does.

but in less than 3 weeks, i will be living in boston with no way to get back here for probably a year or so.

i wont get to come home at thanksgiving or christmas. and although i could probably swing time off in february, i wont use it to come home. cause it'd probably just be a long weekend.

i talked to the store manager on the phone yesterday. she said she has a few merchandisers who are my age, and also the community is made up of lots of people my age. so thats good. and she sounded really nice.

i hope i like it there.

if not, i can handle it. i mean its only one year right? if all else fails, i do it for a year, then come back here. i could always go to grad school then.

but i still hope i like it. work at least. i know i'll love boston. i've wanted to go there all my life.

so as long as i like work and i can make one good friend, i'll be set.

and soon molly and erin will be in NYC, which is only a 5 hour trip. that i can handle. especially to see my broads and tool around the city.

did i mention im exhausted? i am. and i have to work all day. ugh. im going to bed early tonite. thats all there is to it.

written @ 8:34 am on 05.06.02
< * >

take a look around
* now
* then
* me
* the move
* rings
* wishes
* exit
* dland

* contact the girl
* love notes
* leave your mark
* instant
* in the flesh

: reasons to want this.