new 2 piece!

i am up super-duper late for me.

it is 3:15 am as i write this little entry.

i havent been up this late in months...seriously. if any of you remember from last year i was up at all odd hours of the nite damn near every nite. but now i have a good little man who likes to go to bad earlier than me every nite. so i tend to go to bed earlier too. funny how that works out when youre sleeping in someone else's bed.

but im not sleeping in his bed tonite! therefore i can stay up as late as i want. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! i will be up till the sun comes up! oh lord im so tired. this staying up late is hard stuff when youre not used to it.

well poopy. i must get back to doing some work like stuff. after all i just spent half an hour scouring victoria's secret for a bathing suit and i found one. yay! its pretty--a 2 piece with black and white gingham checks. i like it lots.

nitey nite kiddies!

written @ 08:18:57 on 2001-02-07
< * >

take a look around
* now
* then
* me
* the move
* rings
* wishes
* exit
* dland

* contact the girl
* love notes
* leave your mark
* instant
* in the flesh

: reasons to want this.