power outages=dumb residents

we had a power outage here last nite. it was campus wide. at 3 AM. i almost killed 5 different people for being idiotic.

it lasted for like almost 2 hours i think. it was ridiculous. people were in the hallways yelling and being rude and obnoxious. i was sleeping. but not for long.

i hate being an RA sometimes. luckily my honey is one too and he can calm me down and make me see that i dont really want to kill half the residents of this buliding.

anyhoo. heres a funny story:

eris is my honey. we are both RA's. he lives on the 2nd floor. i live on the 3rd floor. usually i sleep in his room though. bad me. so last nite i was asleep in his bed. so was he. it was almost 3:30 in the morning. and then suddenly i was awake. why you ask? because there was some stupid girl in the hallway yelling. now this isnt normally a big deal. except she was standing right outside of erics room which has Resident Assistant written on it and yelling at the top of her lungs about the fact that she had 30 beers in her room and was going to go drink them since there was nothing else to do since the power was out. so this is a problem. why? because eric and i are practically required to do something if people are drinking in their dorm rooms when they arent 21 yet. not a good idea to yell about doing that right outside the RA's room now is it? eric had to convince me not to go out there, drag her down to her room, write her up and make her dump all 30 beers down the sink. dumb bitch. she woke me up by yelling about doing something illegal. i should have done it anyways.

dumb bitch.

written @ 18:06:29 on 2001-01-28
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: reasons to want this.