just listen to me. i know what im talking about here.

getting 10 hours of sleep in one nite still doesnt make up for only getting 5 hours 3 nites in a row. i am exhausted. and if im not careful, im going to get sick again. i can feel it. ugh.

also, i just realized how dirty this keyboard is. gross. i might have to clean it tonite. gross.

the other day i got regina spektors newest album from iTunes. it is so AMAZING. ya'll need to go get it right now. the only way i can explain her voice is to say its like a Russian cross of fiona apple and tori amos. ive also been listening to a shit ton of green day lately. i just can not get enough of their new album. i think my favorite track is "whatshername".

written @ 8:31 am on 20.02.05
< * >

take a look around
* now
* then
* me
* the move
* rings
* wishes
* exit
* dland

* contact the girl
* love notes
* leave your mark
* instant
* in the flesh

: reasons to want this.