my heart is a blown out semi tires all over nebraska.

this painting stripes on the wall thing, well its turning out to take a lot longer than i thought it would. ah well. its getting done. stripe by stripe. wall by wall. day by day.

actually, i just want it to be freaking done already so i can move in to that room and get all my crap in order. ugh. i hate having my stuff strung out all over the place with no semblance of order. despite my messy streak, there is a system to my madness! and right now, theres no system and its driving me crazy!

oh yeah. time for work. yippee. not.

written @ 11:52 am on 12.08.04
< * >

take a look around
* now
* then
* me
* the move
* rings
* wishes
* exit
* dland

* contact the girl
* love notes
* leave your mark
* instant
* in the flesh

: reasons to want this.