moving day rapidly approaches.

so my roomie is moving out in like a week. the cable is cancelled. just need to take back the stuff and i get a big fat $3.49 refund check. woohoo. im seriously thinking about cancelling the gas and elec too, but who knows. if i needed to go MHD for some reason, or hell even wanted to now that the weather is getting nicer [beach beach beach!!!] id need that stuff. at least those bills will be way cheap since they wont be used hardly over the next 3 months. which also means i need to start looking for a new place around nashua. i was thinking maybe some place on 495, like tewksbury, cause its close to shan and work. but who knows, we'll see. it'd be fantastic to have another roomie so i could save even more money, but theyre a hassle and can be a huge pain in the ass, so its not really worth the trouble of trying to find one. eh. bleh. i'll start looking in like may cause im a lazy ass about these things.

first things first. vacation.

written @ 4:28 pm on 24.03.04
< * >

take a look around
* now
* then
* me
* the move
* rings
* wishes
* exit
* dland

* contact the girl
* love notes
* leave your mark
* instant
* in the flesh

: reasons to want this.