i can not handle this now. i can not.

A. i fucking hate doctors.

B. any doctor that tells you news like that over the effing PHONE is shit.

C. this is the news. my doc called. she said "there was an abnormality on your pap smear. i want you to go see _____ specialist." me "alright....." her "it looks like you're in the early stages of something that might be cancer. what the specialist will do is look in your cervix [like during a pap smear ladies] using a little microscope. and while hes there he'll probably do a biopsy on some tissue so it can be tested for cancer."


E. for fucks sake. im 22. screw you "god".

written @ 7:50 pm on 15.01.03
< * >

take a look around
* now
* then
* me
* the move
* rings
* wishes
* exit
* dland

* contact the girl
* love notes
* leave your mark
* instant
* in the flesh

: reasons to want this.