just plain 'ol bitchy...nah...im going to be SUPERBITCH!

it really bothers me when people are bitchy for NO reason at all.

they havent had a bad day. they dont have PMS. they didnt just fail out of school. there house wasnt bombed.

theyre just plain 'ol bitchy. for more than one day too.

and theyre bitchy about stupid things. not even things on a normal day any normal person would be bitchy about.

and you know what? when that person is bitchy...it makes me want to be bitchy right back to them.

super bitch is my new name for the next couple days.

but not to everyone. just to that person. i think this will work out well. yepper.

actually prolly not. itll prolly end in alot of hurt and frustration. oh well. i cant think of anything else to do.


12:21 am

brad pitt and beck are both on leno tonite. how could i be so lucky???

9:21 am

im still sleepy. i dont want to take a shower. i dont want to go up and do laboratory work on a non-lab day. i dont want to be hungry anymore. i dont want it to be snowing outside anymore either. i hate snow.

1:59 pm

people are never around when i need them. why is that?

11:44 pm

duty sucks ass. i am so completely bored to death right now. but theres nothing i can really think of that i want to do. well except sleep. id love to be asleep right now.

written @ 00:43:47 on 2001-02-02
< * >

take a look around
* now
* then
* me
* the move
* rings
* wishes
* exit
* dland

* contact the girl
* love notes
* leave your mark
* instant
* in the flesh

: reasons to want this.