election. bullshit. still.

okie. so now its 7. im sorry. im 5 hours late i know.

i decided i needed a nap. and then dinner.

so sue me.

im so tired of this florida stuff. now both parties are asking for recounts in palm beach county AGAIN. why do we need to recount 3 times? sure i didnt like the first count. but i have faith in the electoral college. and i believe that in the states where electors can swing their votes to the person they think is best suited...they would.

also. palm beach county needs to be allowed to have a revote if they want.

im so glad i dont live there. id be irate right now.

heck i am irate.

the first time i get to freakin vote for pres and this happens. crazy.

so now im tired of yammering about this stuff.

ive been explaining it to people all day. if you want to know whats going on in our country then watch the news, CNN, or something! i am not your offical political bitch. sorry.

something happier is in need now. how about i have a holiday from school tomorrow? but wait. i never have class on friday anyways. so whats the big deal? there is none i suppose. but its just the principal. im going to sleep all day tomorrow. and do as little work as possible. im going to watch movies all day too. or CNN. whichever i feel is most important. prolly movies, with CNN during the half-hour breaks.

sound good to you? does to me.

hope everyones lifes are as pleasant as mine. cause mine is very pleasant right now. im a happy happy girl. despite the election bullshit. and almost failing a test this morning. send me an email and brighten my day even more please! i promise ill email back. :)

written @ 22:45:04 on 2000-11-09
< * >

take a look around
* now
* then
* me
* the move
* rings
* wishes
* exit
* dland

* contact the girl
* love notes
* leave your mark
* instant
* in the flesh

: reasons to want this.