delirium attacks! or, i havent slept in over 26 hours people! ack!

okie. so im going on NO SLEEP right now. and believe me, im not the better person for it. lordy. i was a cranky little bitch today in color theory class. i just hated that last project so much, that i think some of my hostility towards it and my lack of sleep, lead to me taking it out on my totally unsuspecting teacher, harold. harold is so sweet too. its such a shame what a bitch i turn into when i get less than 7 hours of sleep, needless to say when i havent had any at all.

anyhoo. so, because of my lacking in the ability to fall asleep last nite. i started reading journals. and the first one i came to sucked. but the next rocked. and if you read my last entry, and you followed the link, then i bet you realized how much that kid rocks too. but in case ya failed to do as i had prescribed you to do, i will link again. you MUST go read this kids diary ASAP. gotta kiddies? and if you dont, i will hunt each one of you down and make you read the whole thing.

now. you may be asking "sara. why should i read this? certainly not just b/c you think its good. hell most of what you think is good, really isnt all that great." but faithful diarylanders, must i remind you. we are all voyeurs here. and must of us voyeurs are here b/c we are miserable and everyone knows "misery loves company." so if your misery, like mine, loves a razor sharp wit, and great sense of humour, and little stories of lost love, then so as i say, and get your cute little tush over to his site.

and now i must go nap. for i fear if i dont, i might have a breakdown in accounting class today and then i shall be wrought with delirium. nite! or actually, afternoon!

written @ 12:32 pm on 2000-05-16
< * >

take a look around
* now
* then
* me
* the move
* rings
* wishes
* exit
* dland

* contact the girl
* love notes
* leave your mark
* instant
* in the flesh

: reasons to want this.